Join printmaker Jo Wood for this low toxic etching workshop using BIG etching ground, developed in the UK by Andrew Baldwin.
Using simple black and white laser photocopies of your choice. These can be your original artwork or photographs. Jo will guide you through the process of applying BIG etching ground to your photocopies and then transferring these to aluminium plates for etching. It is a safe process and much less toxic than traditional etching processes since the etching is done using a mordant made from copper sulphate and salt, so no harsh fumes. The process can also be done on Zinc or Steel plates. However the aluminium plates last very well for editioning. These new learnt skills will be taken even further as you learn how to apply the artwork more than once to your plate to create very interesting compositions. Even more, Jo will show you how to use BIG as a soft ground to which you can add texture and any type of mark making you wish in order to create your artwork.
This workshop is suitable for beginners and experienced printmakers wishing to try low toxic etching. Jo will also let you know where to purchase materials and equipment.
Jo Wood is a printmaker and artist who works from her home studio in Halls Head and also prints at the Liveringa Print Room in Pinjarra, part of the Pinjarra Arts Hub. Jo works in screenprint, relief, intaglio and monoprints and has exhibited around Australia.
Materials provided: Sample paper pack and plates, inks and more
Materials and equipment that will be in studio for you to use : inks, scrap paper, presses and various solvents to be used for this technique.
You are encouraged to bring any additional papers and/or any tools you have and want to use. Bring some light lunch. Tea and coffee will be supplied.
You will need to bring:
Safety goggles,
Laser print photocopies of something you would like to print. Bring 3 copies minimum.OR bring the images on a USB to be printed at the workshop.
The artwork needs to be laser printed (not inkjet) as a negative (negativised) only, but not flipped. High contrast images work best with this technique.
Jo will also bring her computer and printer and will help participants print their artwork the correct way for this technique in case they have not been able to do it at home etc. (again,bring your digital file on a USB in case you would like Jo to print it).
Cost: $90. Please note: to cover costs PAWA is unable to refund on any cancellation made by the registrant after 3 November 2022.
Place: Tresillian Arts Centre, 21 Tyrell St, Nedlands